Friday, September 10, 2010

Going Number 1

I'm just an average middle class white guy from the suburbs.

Friends have been suggesting I start writing down my "true life" stories and blogging for a few years now, but I didn't start thinking about it actually coming to be, until last summer (2009). That's when my girlfriend started "not so" subtlety bringing it up and selling the blog idea to me. She even bought me a blogging "How to..." book. So here I begin, my first blog, my first post.

I found a dead guy in 5th grade. I had a 3rd degree burns & a cardiac arrest in 8th. I became "Johnny Puke", the lead singer of a band called "The Up Chucks" in 9th (Johnny Puke & The Up Chucks had dog tags made up but never actually performed or rehearsed.) In 10th grade I found a copy of Dead Kennedy's "Plastic Surgery Disasters" in art class and it changed my life. In 11th grade I cut out of school and saw The Ramones for the first time (They played at Nassau Community College at lunch time on a Town of Hempstead Show Mobile.) and it changed my life. By 12th grade I was bar tending & I had a college-age girlfriend (1/2 German - 1/2 Russian...she looked like the girl on the St. Pauli Beer Bottle).....and I began realizing I was finding myself in the coolest situations/strangest situations.....over and over...and over again.

At 21 I began working at a radio station on Long Island (the now defunct WDRE 92.7 FM). This is where I started meeting celebrities, rock stars, etc...on a regular basis and this is what I refer to as "being allowed to play on the other side of the fence". All of a sudden the people in the videos were in the same room as me. The people I've heard coming from my stereo for years, where now sitting across from me at dinner. I have tons of stories from this period.

I never thought of my experience as different or special. It's just my life. I always felt I was surrounded by friends that had this same "coolness" or similar cool things happening to them. This is the norm. This is our norm. This is my norm.

So here I am at 41 years old, happier than I've ever been. I hope you'll give me some of your time and enjoy this. This is my 1st post, my 1st blog, the beginning. I hope to learn from this. So follow me, I am the rainbow.



  1. Actually the Upchucks performed once on the roof on the back of my house. By performing, I mean my brother repeatedly hitting the E string on his guitar and you singing "God Save the Queen". By the way, please change names to protect the "innocent" when you get to the Jerusalem break-in story....

  2. We took different paths to the same destination my friend. It is not to late for us to rally in the second half and create some great memories again. Oh and yes, please don't use real names for the Jerusalem break-in story :-0.

  3. i am proud to have been a part of some of those stories.

  4. Quite possibly my older brother's Dead Kennedys album - Mike B might be able to confirm. I was at that Ramones show wearing denim jacket with the "Live Dead" album cover painted on the back. Haven't thought about that in a while.

  5. finding your 1st punk tape has to be way better than just being turned on to by friends
