Tuesday, October 18, 2011

President Barack Obama will win a 2nd Term : I Predict

Ronald Reagan was president when I first realized I didn't like the President. I was a child/teenager of the Reagan Years....and PUNK ROCK taught me to HATE him. My friends and I, the people I admired, the bands I was drawn to. They all saw Ronald Reagan as a throwback...a man out of time. I agreed. We agreed. That man offered nothing for us. We, the youth, were brushed off. This only made me question his "being" more. I still don't like him....and it's a SHAME they named an airport for this man, after what he did to the air traffic controllers.

George H. W. Bush, 8 years later he got in. (I didn't vote for this man.) "READ MY LIPS".....I still hated him from "Iran-Contra". He was so old school and had such as sense of entitlement...it was sickening. He thought he was a shoe-in for '92...but it turned out he was a loafer.

Bill Clinton (William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton) I voted for him. I made money while he was in office. My life was carefree. Then he deregulated banks. 

George W. Bush This guy came into office with a whirlwind of "election fraud", "election speculation" around him. He "won". That NEVER sat right. The BIGGEST act of WAR ever carried out against us, THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA happened on his watch. His reaction was to invade a country that had NOTHING to do with that. George W. Bush was NEVER Presidential. When he spoke...my skin crawled.  It was the first time I was embrassed by our leader.

Barack Obama.  I voted for this man. I had hope. I believed he was a big step in a new direction. President Barack Obama is a politician. His try at bipartisanship has failed. I can easily blame Congress...but this guy needs to step up. I need more. We need more. That said, President Barack Obama will win a second term. I just hope things get done.

THE GOP had 7: After the debate tonight. The GOP have none. There is NOT a person up there, that is better, has the answers, or is capable of beating the current Administration.

This is my prediction.

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