Sunday, April 1, 2012

ERASURE STORY : (Pizza & Shoes)

 By October 1991, I had been at WDRE for about a year & a half. That's when we got the call that Erasure were coming to town to promote "Chorus", their 5th album. We held a contest for a handful of listeners to come up to the studio and ask Andy Bell & Vince Clarke questions. We also convinced the guys to host a record release party at Industry, a club where I bartended.
  So Andy & Vince show up at WDRE with the record company rep and a few other people. They seemed less than amused. They get brought to Malibu Sue's office, the office in which I worked, for holding. I introduce myself, offer them coffee. They politely turn me down and are very quiet. 
  I try and make them comfortable. I offer soda, water, ...soda water....but they look down, and shake their heads, "No." There is no conversation.
  After a few minutes, we are ready. We have about a dozen contest winners & their friends gathered by the sales area. We bring Erasure out and begin the questioning.
  "So how's the new record?", asked winner #1.
  Vince looks at Andy. Andy looks down and says, "It's good, thanks."
  "Are you guys gonna have a concert in New York?", winner #2, yelps.
  "Yes. Were going out on tour, soon.", replies Andy. Vince says nothing.
  This was the standard for the next five minutes. 

         First: Dumb question
         Second: Dull response

  I was right next to Andy. I could feel the tension, the awkwardness. They were just doing what they were doing, because it's part of the music business game. They were always cordial, but never enthralled. That's when I glanced down and noticed Andy was wearing blue sequin combat boots, or Doc Martens...whatever. He had these CRAZY electric blue boots!!!!
  So I lean in and whisper in his ear, "I love your boots."
Vince Clarke, Andy Bell, DJ Andre, and me

  He lights up!!!! He looks at his feet, looks at me and says, "You like these?"
  "Yeah, they're great."
  "Oh my God! They're fantastic! I got'em in red, I got'em pink, I got'em in purple. I got a whole bunch of them. Aren't they great?!"
 From that second on, we were pals. He went on about all these cool shoes, that just came out...and how unique, and how amazing..and how great they all were. He was bubbling over with excitement. It was great.
  He went on and on....we talked about clothes for about an hour. Vince said nothing.
  Andy asked if I was going to the "Meet & Greet" at some club they had to go to. I said, "Yes. I'll see you there."

  Fast forward to a few hours later. I'm in Industry, the club I worked at, in Island Park. It's packed. I'm at the bar having a beer, it's passed 10pm. The people there are getting restless. Everyone is wondering where the hell Andy & Vince are. 
  More time passes, it's nearly 11pm, when two girls roll up next to me at the bar. They have on a ton of make up, they bump into me. I ignore it.
  They bump into me again. I look at them and turn away. Then one of them hip bumps me, making me spill my beer.
  I turn, and say sarcastically, "You girls ok?"...when I realize....these ain't no girls!!!! It's Andy & Vince!!! In full drag!!!!
(That's right! The guys from Erasure were hanging out in FULL DRAG!)
 Andy says, "Sssshhhh, don't blow our cover."
 I laugh. Everyone is pissed because Erasure are late, when in reality....they've been here the whole time.
 I get them drinks and we all start laughing.
 After awhile, people started realizing it's them. So security came over and hurried them in the back. 
 A little time went by, and then people were told to line up by the side room, to meet them. I walked over and followed the crowd in. They signed autographs, took pictures, they were all smiles. Later they were in the DJ booth, talking on mic and having a good ole time.
  When they were about done, they were escorted into a back area. I walk over and stuck my head in. Andy & Vince were sitting at a table eating pizza with curtains blocking most of the view. There was velvet ropes separating the 2 sides of the room. Andy looked out from behind the curtain and saw me.
 "Hey! Hey! You like pizza?", he waved.
 "Yes, I like pizza."
  He waved me over, I sat next to him. We all eat pizza together.
  Andy talked a mile a minute.Vince said nothing.
  A few minutes later, the record company rep came over and got them ready to leave. I said goodbye. I shook hands with both of them and out they went.

The end.