Thursday, November 17, 2011


Who is in control of the Republican Party? Can they be seen? From the looks of The GOP's candidate roster, they can't. They are laying low. They have no intention of a 2012 Republican Presidential win. They have fed America a cavalcade of distractions. Herman Cain is character. Michele Bachmann has less appeal than Sarah Palin. Rick Perry is not "W".  Ron Paul, nope. Mitt Romney is a Mormon. Jon Huntsman...who? Newt Gringrich is hawking DVDs & books (This is his QVC).

The  Republicans will block anything put forth to advance jobs, infrastructure, or recovery for this economic crisis. THE ONLY THING WORSE THAN 4 YEARS is 8 YEARS. So they are planning on an Obama win, next election.

Republicans have NO plan on winning this election. They plan on losing. The economy is so far in the shitter that they would never jump in to save it. They will let it ride.

I predict, Dave Jemmott